781-820-7385 [email protected]

Brain Balancing of Greater Boston

In harmony with her other practice, Laura Levensaler gives visitors the chance to explore the concept of Brainwaive Optimization as a means to well being. www.brainbalancingboston.com

Acupuncture Plus

Acupuncturist Laura Levensaler’s 2011 updated website incorporated her growing business by putting all her practices in one place. Patients can learn about the work that she does and about this ancient Chinese practice www.spiritofacupuncture.com

Joe Mulligan

Comedian Joe Mulligan used his website to showcase his work and provide contact information for booking his services.

Kiss Off Letters

This book site not only helps the authors promote their book but also gives interviewers booking information. This site also serves as a springboard for a book sequel by asking for visitor contributions. website offline


From 1997 – 2003, Triplemoon Witchare was a very expansive online website featuring over 500 pages with everything from articles to an online catalog with secure ordering, chat rooms message boards and eCards. This site was well known and considered a key Pagan...