Finishing any project is an accomplishment! As I continue to say…it’s only a small obsession
- Cotton summer sweater. Definitely one of my favorites.
- Originally made for my mother to match a dress - until she changed her mind and decided she didnt like the dress. Looks beautiful on my friend Tal who wears it often!
- Awesome to wear with everything! And I always get comments on the buttons!
- Blooming on my friend Joanna - warm and cozy.
- Baby dresses are so much fun to make Welcome Miss M!
- Hand dyed makes this cardigan match so much - pretty picot edging makes it perfect for mom.
- My dental hygenist is having a little girl. Every baby needs something knit.
- Very cool color combination called cherry cordial. Asymmetrical warp is just fun
- Another little girl for Kelly - of course she needed this sweater dress
- Yep - orange! One of my first real attempts at openwork / lacework for an entire sweater. Have to admit I love it!
- Back of the quaking aspen - kind of amazing.
- Leave it to Steph to pick out an all cable pattern.
- Every new baby needs a sweater - even when they arrive at 11 months old!
- I think one of the most fun cable patterns I've ever worked on.
- Originally these were supposed to be fingerless gloves, but I turned them into mittens.
- Stephanie and Randy's flower girl loves pink - these slippers were her present for doing such a great job!
- Total cuteness for Miss Maddie