Continuing Education

About a month or so back, I get an email that the Metrowest Knitters guild was sponsoring classes with John McGowan-Michael. This was pretty exciting to me as White Lies Designs has been a favorite bookmark of mine for some time now. I thought, well one of the real...

For the love of Art Yarns

I havent even finished the art yarns silk top I’m working on, but I absolutely love knitting with it. So when Black Sheep Knitting announced an art yarns trunk show I wasnt going to miss it. This was to be a perfect day. Dee from my Stitch and Bitch decided she’d come...

The evolution of my cardigan

I woke up this morning feeling totally triumphant. Last night I finished my Cardigan. The colinette giotto found its way home with me 3 years ago already I think. I started out with a garter stitch tank top. My second try at this pattern by the way (a mistake I wont...