There is never a proper time to lose a parent. My father was no exception. I grew to appreciate him more and more the older I got – especailly his perspective on how to live life. He had this awesome sense of humor and I can still hear him laughing. The thing about my dad is that he, unlike anyone else, just got me in the ways that most people dont – not only did he get me, but he got a kick out of my quirks, which just made it ok to be exactly who I am.
Lessons my father taught me
In loving memory of Allen Rudolph
A man whose wit and wisdom made a lasting impression
- You should never be too old to giggle or to wonder what you’ll be when you grow up.
- The easiest way to ruin chocolate is to add fruit or nuts.
- Things don’t matter, people do. But that doesn’t mean that things arent good to have.
- You can really concentrate better if you sitck out your tongue.
- Reaching the goal is not as important as the lessons you learn during the pursuit.
- Never attempt any job without the right tools.
- Health and happiness are priceless.
- If you can’t decide between two items, don’t look at the price tag. Look at the difference between the two prices.
- A man on a galloping horse never notices much of anything.
- Each child has it’s own needs and a parent gives accordingly.
- Education is the greatest gift you can give your children.
- When in doubt, err on the side of integrity.
- It’s a great feeling to be the first kid on your block with the latest in technolothy.
- Be proud of your family and your heritage.
- Even if the words “I love you” skip a generation, the feelings don’t.
- Give your children wings to follow their dreams and they’ll eventually fly home to you.
- Ask challenging questions. If someone assumes you don’t want a birthday party say, “I don’t? Why don’t I?”
- A good sense of humor is an important asset.
- You can be grown with children of your own and still rely on your dad.