I think the last time I knit something for my oldest daughter she was probably 4, about the same time she fell in love with the purple leather skirt I bought her and became a fashion diva (in the cutest sense of the word), but as she grew and loved her fashion trends knit garmets weren’t usually part of the formula. It’s become quite the joke between us. Finally, to my delight, she asked me to knit her a sweater.
We spent hours going through photos and magazines and patterns until she picked the one she she wanted. Of course like everything I knit, we needed a few modifications – a little longer and dont attach the tie – actually less modifications than I usually wind up making in a lot of things I knit. Then it became a matter of finding the perfect yarn. The goal was a true navy, finally found in Adrienne Vittadini at Sakonnet Purls – on sale no less! Fantastic!
So other than a random cable here and there I’ve never taken on a “cable knit” sweater, let alone one that was entirely cables – ahhh the combination of mothers love and aspirations of being a totally fearless knitter threw me right over the edge. For the record, I toyed with the idea of learning how to knit cables without the cable needle on this project and quickly gave up on that whole notion…that having stitches off the neede as an actual part of the process was just too much! Once I got the hang of the pattern it actually went fairly quickly and I was thrilled by the way the yarn knit up. The stitches really show and the garmet is going to be amazingly soft.
The back went pretty well and everything seemed to fall right into place. The bonus was it knit up pretty fast considering that my usual other project is a pair of socks on tiny needles! So on to the front sides. For the life of me I dont understand how some of the patterns are written! Why can’t it just be straight forward. I’m pretty good at interpreting patterns, but this was just confusing from the start. I’m totally struggling with it – every time I think I make sense of how it should work, it doesnt stay that way!
I’ve managed to keep to keep the pattern going, but I hate feeling like the first and last few stitches of every row may or may not be right! Arrgh so much for “incorporate each stitch into the pattern as you add it” or something like that. Usually most patterns make sense to me even if you take it row by row as you go…Knitters frustration at its worst! I love the way the sweater is coming out, but I am just hating the pattern!!!
So on a visit home this weekend Steph poked fun at me asking why her sweater wasnt finished – and that of course it would be challenging, after all it was for her! I held up the back and it really will be a beautiful fit. She really likes the way its coming out – Motivated I jumped right back in and finished the right front, but there was definite swearing under my breath! So at this point I’m moving onto the sleeves hoping that this part of the pattern will make more sense!

Left and Right Fronts
I’m waiting for that fantastic sense of accomplishment at finishing a garmet that realy challenges me, especially on this sweater because I will have totally earned it!