About a month or so back, I get an email that the Metrowest Knitters guild was sponsoring classes with John McGowan-Michael. This was pretty exciting to me as White Lies Designs has been a favorite bookmark of mine for some time now. I thought, well one of the real perks of this whole new empty nester thing was that I could sign up for classes without having to reschedule or rearrange any obligations – this remains an entirely new feeling for me that I have yet to get used to – but what a way to practice the new concept!
I signed up for two classes. Of course the learning started before the classes. My first assignment to prepare – swatches in stockinette stitch. No problem right? Set me right into obsession when I kept trying new edge stitches. From what I googled and polled every knitter I talked to – there are two most commonly used options for making the perfect edge. I tried each and I think I’ve decided I prefer the slip the first stitch of every row method. Trust me, this was a real process that actually had me make 4 swatches instead of two! Onto the classes
Crochet for Knits. Armed with my two swatches, I feel like I learned so much. I now really do know the difference between single, double and triple crochet. I loved learning a crochet cast, but my total empowerment was learning a provisional cast on! The whole waste yarn for live stitches later has been a mystery to me – Joan will forever be a knitting hero for demystifying the whole thing for me! We went on to learn shell edging and a simple flounce edge too. Even a crochet flower. There are more stitches to try but I’m all about using crochet in my knitting (ahh the joy of finding more fiber related obsessions).
Small examples – but significant!
Button Holes within single crochet edgeShell Edge
Beading for Knits
This was a total blast. Being as attracted to small shiny objects the way I am this was right up my alley. We learned a few techniques to bead flowers, stems and leaves. Within a few hours voila, I had beaded myself a little extra something on my swatch. This is awesome on several new levels, not only is it fun, but it opens up a ton more exploratory shopping opportunities. Admittedly I dont think I’ll be beading everything I’m working on, but I’m sure it will make it to a project or two before long.
I’m so impressed with myself!
While there I did purchased the to the Angelina Vintage Jacket pattern that has me returning to White Lies Designs over and over again.
AngelinaBut now that I have all this new found knowledge of crochet. I’m going to be brave (and fall back on my friends who know how to crochet) and order the Marcela kit
So can I just say this in closing: Joan McGowan Michaels truly rocks. She’s easy to follow and a joy to learn from. If you have the opportunity, take a class with her. How can you not adore a woman who helps you take your obsession to a whole new level!