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My knitting nerves shaken by my cardigan mishap I resorted to a quick fix or two.

First I jumped into a spring bag. I had picked the yarn up at Sakonnet Purls on my first visit to the sale shed – a bag I could knit for $16? How could I go wrong. I did have to laugh while knitting it. Size 17 needles just feel ridiculously huge to me. I told my stitch and bitch I felt like Wilma Flintstone when she would knit things for Pebbles with those big bones and the work would just get longer and longer instantly. So I have this bag in just a few days:

At the same time I decided to do what I get the biggest kick out of – felting. So I dove into a spotty basket. I’d like to public thank my boyfriend for doing what he does better than anyone and thats making me laugh.

After I stopped laughing, the felting began and now my spotty basket is now holding our car keys on the table next to the door.

I’m feeling ready to take my Justine cardigan on again!